The work of the subgroups is reported to the DDSCP Executive Board meetings held every four months.
The DDSCP subgroups are:
The subroup looks at how well agencies are working together to keep children safe in their area and is responsible for coordinating the monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the local arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
The quality assurance group reports on performance and audit findings to advise partners on ways to improve.
The subgroup reviews individual serious cases in their area to identify what improvements are needed to the way people work to keep children safe.
The subgroup is responsible for carrying out reviews of cases where abuse or neglect of a child is known or suspected, a child has died or a child has been seriously harmed, and there is cause for concern as to the way in which the local authority, other agencies or other relevant persons have worked together to safeguard the child.
The subgroup is responsible for carrying out Rapid Reviews, Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and reporting the findings to the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel.
Each group works with schools and colleges to support them in their work to drive forward safeguarding in their settings.
The education subgroups are responsible for
The subgroup looks at particular difficulties experienced by young people and how agencies can help to keep them safe. There is a joint strategy across Derby and Derbyshire to Safeguard children and young people at risk of exploitation which includes the oversight of arrangements to keep children and young people safe from:
The subgroup is responsible for developing new policies and procedures for safeguarding and promoting the welfare and updating existing ones. This involves all agencies so that the best possible information is available for professionals and families to help them understand what steps should be taken if concerns begin to be identified about a child’s safety or welfare, including thresholds for intervention.
The subgroup (previously the Workforce Group) is responsible for helping ensure that all agencies provide the right support, training and development for professionals and volunteers so that they are able to keep children safe.
District and Borough Councils have and will retain essential safeguarding responsibilities. The councils actively participate in their existing joint arrangements to coordinate their safeguarding duties. The effectiveness of their arrangements will be reported and they will be supported by the Districts' Safeguarding Group as active stakeholders in their roles to keep children safe in their local areas.
A wide range of agencies and organsations who provide services for children and their families will be brought together to participate in events to help drive forward local arrangements. This may includ hearing about local learning reviews and themes that have emerged where we can all make a difference to keeping children safe. National and local speakers will be invited to talk about their research or developing areas of practice that are proving to be working well to safeguarding arrangements.